
The intensive study environment is very effective.

Andrew from 2013

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I found the school-wide barbecue to be the most satisfying because it gave me and my classmates a chance to get to know each other better outside the classroom environment.

What were your goals in attending the KCP program?

To progress my Japanese to a level that would allow me to work in a professional environment using Japanese.

Why did you select this program?

The intensive study environment is a very effective way to progress your Japanese ability in a short amount of time.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

The most productive aspect of the program is simply the intensive study method accompanied by the great teachers who are willing to go out of their way to help their students. The teachers seem very enthusiastic about their jobs!

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Because I am a huge fan of research and spreadsheets, I created an excel worksheet comparing numerous Japanese study abroad programs by cost, housing, length of study, and many other comparison points. Overall, KCP came out superior based on the amount of things that you get for the price. After completing the program, I can say choosing KCP was a perfect decision. KCP is a real school — professional teachers, strict grading systems, textbooks – the whole package. KCP proved to be much more than I expected – the classes are tough, but it taught me how to work harder, build a work ethic, and I am coming out with many rich experiences thanks to KCP. This school truly prepares you for higher levels and entrance into Japanese colleges.

—Rachel Burch