What types of housing are available to me?

At KCP, you have two options for your lodging: homestay with a Japanese family, or dormitory.

Dormitory life offers several advantages. KCP dorms feature private rooms and allow closer contact with other students. Although dorms are more restrictive in Japan than in the U.S. (they have curfews, and no visitors of opposite gender are allowed), they are better for students who want control over their own schedule or more interaction with young people.

Since KCP can offer homestay only during the first term of your study, if you choose homestay and will continue for a further term, you will most likely be placed in a dormitory during the rest of your time.

Homestay—living with a Japanese family—is truly the Japanese way of life. Many students develop close relationships with their host families as they eagerly participate in contemporary Japanese family life. In a homestay, students can experience Japanese culture in a family situation.

While there are definite benefits to living with a host family for students who are open-minded, genuinely interested in becoming a member of the family, and willing to adjust their schedules, some students may not prefer this. Homestays are not recommended for very independent students who want to experience Japan on their own. Homestay families may want to spend time with students, especially on weekends. They may expect a student to become a member of the family by helping out around the house. Some families may also impose a curfew.

For more, see Lodging.